Dale Talde is an acclaimed chef renowned for his innovative take on Asian-American cuisine. From a three-time contestant and guest judge on "Top Chef" and “Chopped” to cookbook author and owner of Food Crush Hospitality, he combines his Filipino heritage with modern techniques. Talde's unique culinary style and dynamic personality continue to inspire food enthusiasts globally and have earned him a James Beard Award nomination.
Where do you live? River Edge, NJ.
Where are you from? Chicago
Favorite thing to eat as a child? Anything with rice!
Quick culinary background: I was born and raised eating Filipino food, I’m classically French trained and my food is globally-inspired.
Favorite cuisine to eat: Asian street food.
Favorite cuisine to cook: I love cooking over live wood or charcoal; it’s not a cuisine, but a favorite method of cooking.
Where is your favorite place to travel? Spain was absolute food heaven.
Why is food important to you? It’s not just a career, or a job, or a hobby, but my passion.
Why Globowl? I have two young ones who are the most important thing to me in the world. What they eat now is creating the habits they’ll have for the rest of their lives. What could be more important?
Anything else we should know? I’m decent at basketball!
What is your claim to fame? You might remember me from shows as Top Chef 4 and Top Chef 8 where I was a pretty angry guy! Things have changed…