Globowl's MIssion
Globowl’s delicious and nutritious baby and toddler food launches families into a life-long journey of adventurous eating that reflects and respects the many cultures that make up our world.
Globowl emphasizes that what connects us is greater than all else, that food is a universal unifier, and that these teachings begin with baby's first bites.

Who runs the world?
...girls! We’re so proud that Globowl is run by a multigenerational team of incredible women.

We Asked the Experts
Because we trust the professionals who care for the health and safety of your little one.
Pediatricians, pediatric dentists, pediatric nutritionists and occupational therapists have all touted Globowl as the baby food they wished parents had sooner.

Our Chef Advisory Board
Meet the team of award-winning chefs behind our internationally-inspired recipes.

Our Fearless Founder
Erica Bethe Levin founded Globowl out of a desire to bring internationally-inspired recipes to a new generation of future foodies.